Saturday, June 20, 2009

The show goes on

In an earlier post about my plans to see Horizon, the rock contingent of Navy Band Great Lakes, in concert during Navy Week in the Illinois/Iowa Quad Cities, I referred to that old line we used to hear when an outdoor concert was cancelled due to rain:

What's the matter, is the Navy afraid of a little water?

We've had five to seven inches of rain this week in western Illinois; streets in downtown Rock Island, where Horizon was scheduled to play an outdoor concert yesterday, were under water.

The show, however, went on as scheduled; the weather broke, the venue provided a tent for the band and the sun shone long enough for a fine afternoon concert.

Which I missed. I live in cornfield country outside the Quad Cities, and heavy rains tend to flood roads and take out bridges. In this case, it wasn't the Navy that was afraid of water; it was Yours Truly.

All is not lost. The thunderstorms appear to be over, and Horizon has a few more gigs in the area this weekend. I'll hope to make one of them.

I can't think of a better way to prime myself for the Navy Musicians Association reunion than by spending an hour or so witnessing the work of the active duty MUs who are still carrying the load.

The Daily Poop - Sat, 20JUN09

Last night I started getting clothes ready for the NMA reunion. While digging around in a rarely-used basement closet, I came across my CPO khakis. I'd forgotten I kept them after I left the Navy.

I wondered if I'd dare try them on. I still wear my peacoat once in a while, but those bulky things hide a lot of sins. The khakis, I knew, would camouflage nothing--they were "tailored to the sailor."

The experience of trying on your old uniform has been compared to attempting to squeeze a 16-oz. salami into an 8-oz. casing. How much did I want to degrade myself?

What the hell, I finally said. I pulled the khakis out of the closet, made a wish and put them on for the first time in a quarter of a century.

Well, shipmates, all I have to say is:

Friday, June 19, 2009

The Daily Poop - Fri, 19JUN09

-- As I mentioned last week, I'm going to downtown Rock Island, IL, this morning to see a concert by a contingent of Navy Band Great Lakes. "Horizon" is a rock band, although this morning's performance will be a jazz concert. The band is busy--it's Navy Week here in the Quad Cities, and, as you can imagine, Navy bands are a big part of it. Unfortunately, Illinois has been plagued by rain and thunderstorms for the last week; I hope a little water won't get in the way of the show.

-- I keep hearing about more old friends who will be at the Navy Musicians Association reunion next week, guys I haven't seen since active duty. Today, I've learned that John Pastin, with whom I served on staff at the School of Music, is coming. Dennis Jansen, I believe, is also on his way. Perhaps he'll bring his steel drums.

-- I've got to get over the fact that Lee Hudson will be at the reunion on Friday and Saturday. I've been looking forward to the reunion for a year; why should I let it be ruined by this lowlife, sack of swill, Demster Dumpster excuse for a human being?

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Daily Poop - Thurs, 18JUN09

The real reason I've been posting about former MUs who can't make the Navy Musicians Association reunion next week was to encourage my enemy, the tedious and egocentric Lee Hudson, to stay home. I figured I'd make it easy for him to manufacture some half-baked excuse which I would graciously accept.

But, no. Instead of an apology for missing the reunion, I get a long, incoherent message from Fleabag plastered all over my Facebook page. He's coming, although only for two nights, thanks be to God. To make things worse, he's bringing his toilet tuba, urinal eupohium and firewood bass.

Couldn't we alter the NMA membership requirements to read "All past and present members of US Navy bands, with one small exception"?

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Daily Poop - Wed, 17JUN09

-- I just wrote to Marshall Hawkins and am hoping to hear that he'll be at the reunion. Hawk had to miss last year, and we missed his presence as well as his archives of Navy band memorabilia.

--Speaking of missing the reunion, I recently mentioned that John Vasquez won't be with us because, as newly elected head of his local American Legion post, he has to attend the state convention.

This is the level of patriotism and service that qualifies an NMA member for a NavyLyres Certificate of Approved Absence. Similarly, I now give a pass to Milo Wood. His grandson, a National Guardsman, has only four days at home--the four days of our reunion--before shipping out to Afghanistan, so Milo needs the time to spend with his soldier.

See the pattern? Lame excuses like "I have to bring the cake to my niece's Sweet 16 party" and "That's the week of the Polka Club Singles Barbecue" don't cut it around here.

If you're planning to write me with your excuse as to why you can't come, make it good.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Daily Poop - Tues, 16JUN09

If you're new to NavyLyres, or haven't been here in a while:

-- Now begins the season of "Live-blogging the Navy Musicians Association reunion. For a demonstration of this exciting technological innovation, you may peruse the archives of last year's blog season here, in reverse chronological order.

-- The reunion season is NavyLyres's busiest time of year. I hear from those who are coming, those who can't come this year, and those who haven't made up their minds. (For those of you in that last category, take a look at the counter on the right--chop, chop, buddy.) I'm glad to get your news; it's often worth passing on to everyone. What's up? Are you coming? Who are you looking forward to seeing?
Drop me a line.

-- One of this site's most popular features is the
Navy Musician's Lexicon. Stop by for a few updated laughs.

It's been a challenging year for many of us, our complicated lives further stirred up by economic worries. All I can say is, I am so ready for this reunion.

Calling all guitarists.

Now that the NMA Rock Band is getting off the ground, let's hope a talented, versatile guitarist will be at the reunion this year.

Some things, as we learned last year, are not pretty.

Monday, June 15, 2009

At least it's not an accordion

This photo, sent by NMA member Patrick Stone, shows the band on the USS Arkansas, sometime before World War II.

I am struck by the presence of the banjo player on the far right. I knew a few MUs who doubled informally on the banjo--Ed Henson, Bob Marquart, Geary Thompson (and even me, when the beer was flowing)--but this photo looks official, as though everyone is holding the axe they are paid to play.

Which makes me wonder: what were the duties of the band banjoist in those days? Did he do solo banjo gigs at the "O" club, noodling soft background modulations between "Hold That Tiger" and "Darktown Strutters Ball"?

Ceremonies must have been different, too:

Adjutant: "Banjoist, sound 'First Call.'"

The Daily Poop -- Mon., 15JUN09

I'm heard from a few shipmates who won't be able to attend the Navy Musicians Association reunion this year.

I'll particularly miss John Vasquez. John and I never met while on active duty, but if you've been to an NMA reunion, you know how it is: new acquaintances become shipmates.

His reason for missing the reunion this year is righteous: as the newly-elected Commander of the Dania Beach, Fla. American Legion Post, he must attend the Legion's state convention in Orlando.

John's a busy guy, considering he also manages the Florida 9th District American Legion Symphonic Band. Next year, for sure, he says.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Daily Poop - Sun., 14JUN09

Last night,out of a heart-felt, sacrificial and generous desire to tell members of the Navy Musicians Association that I will be Live-blogging the 2009 reunion, I sent messages to all Email addresses on the membership roster.

About 100 bounced back.

As humble, shy and self-effacing as I am, I have to say this:

You rotten, self-centered SOBs:
  • You change your email address and don't inform the NMA.
  • You let your mailbox fill up so Emails are rejected.
  • You write out your Email address illegibly and send it to the NMA by snail-mail, expecting the staff to understand the address, " ."
  • You apply ridiculous security filters that refuse messages that contain suspicious words like "hello," "there," and "shipmate."
People, inform the NMA when you get a new Email address. Check your settings. Make room in your mailbox for new messages. A little preventative maintenance goes a long way, shipmates.

There. I feel better already.

Live-blogging the 2009 NMA Reunion

Yowza, yowza. The 2009 Navy Musicians Association reunion is only days away.

The blogging lamp is lit.

For those who don't know, the NMA is a growing group of former and active duty members of U.S. Navy bands. We are one-hitch sailors and career MUs. We have worn seamens' stripes, petty officers' chevrons, chiefs' anchors and officers' bars.

Once a year, we gather for a few days of camaraderie, sea stories and music--big band, concert band, jazz and rock. At Navy Musicians Association reunions, performance is optional; enjoyment is unavoidable.

If you can't attend this year--or you're not yet a member of the NMA--you can get a taste of the reunion without leaving home.

I'll be "live-blogging" throughout the week of the reunion. This means you'll be able to follow the action here at Navy Lyres.

From Monday, June 22 (two days before the official opening) until Sunday, June 29 (departure day for most attendees), you can come right here, night or day, for:

  • highlights of each day's activities
  • interviews
  • photos 
  • assorted reports, rumors and revelations, heavily censored in case your children or grandchildren use your computer
Between now and the reunion, I'll be blogging frequently; stop by any time, check it out, leave a message.

Drop me a line if you have any questions, and please pass the word--forward this URL to any past or present Navy musicians that you're in touch with.