Friday, June 19, 2020

NMA Reunion in Review: 2015

The 2015 reunion stands out in our minds for a few reasons.

Our 20th anniversary reunion drew a record number of MUs. Attendance at our first concert band rehearsal is often terrifyingly small. But this year, the first rehearsal was overflowing, and the band got bigger every day. Naturally, the full attendance carried over to a full sound at our Friday-night concert.

We visited our alma mater, now called the Naval School of Music. The newly-renovated facility may not feature ivy-covered walls, but the building still echoes with the haunting memories of buffers, Brillo pads and vacuum cleaners.

To enjoy day-by-day NavyLyres coverage of the 2015 reunion chronologically:

  • click here, then 
  • scroll down and read posts from bottom to top.

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