To: Old Men with Computers.
Subj: Difficulty leaving comments at Navy Lyres
Background: It has been reported that some personnel are experiencing difficulty leaving comments to posts at Navy Lyres. Investigation shows that these persons are exclusively Old Men With Computers (OM/C). This directive addresses this problem.
Goals: Upon successful completion of this section, OM/C should be able to leave short comments to posts at Navy Lyres without having to email Frank Mullen with unwarranted complaints about the commenting feature not working.
1. At the bottom of the post you wish to comment on, click on the "comments" hyperlink. (The word "comments" may be preceded by a number. (Example: "4 comments." This means four OM/C have figured out how to do it. You can, too.)
2. A box will appear, with the words, "Leave your comment." This is where you leave your comment. Got that? Good, carry on.
3. Next, you will see a short string of letters. Type these bogus letters in the "word verification box." Do not try to understand why you are doing this. It's like shining your shoes before an evening parade on a muddy drill field. Just do it.
4. Now, you are required to "choose an identity" by clicking the appropriate circle. This is, without fail, where OM/C go wrong. Every time. Old Men with Computers should now pay very, very close attention:
A. "Google/Blogger." NOOOOOO! The Navy Lyres Webmaster has declared this option Off-limits to OM/C. This is for registered Google/Blogger users who know the secret handshake.
B. "Other." YESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! Choose this selection, shipmate. Boxes are provided if you want to add your name and/or websites.
C. "Anonymous." This will work, too, although it won't include your name, unless you include it.
Summary: When commenting, choose "Other." This is the only thing you need to know.
I look forward to hearing from you. Should you have any difficulty, let me know. It's easy:
Just leave a comment.