The General Membership Meeting of the Navy Musicians Association was a great success, if you define success by lack of bloodshed. For MUs, that's a reasonable definitions.
Treasurer Cecil Strange reported that we are solvent. In my experience, solvency means getting a paycheck and not having to immediately disburse it to bartenders to cover the last two weeks' expenditures.
President Terry Chesson reiterated his desire to hold the 2016 reunion in a central part of the United States, perhaps the Midwest, to attract members from a new region and to make travel easier and more cost-effective for members on the West Coast.
Terry introduced Dennis Allard, who runs our Recruiting Committee. Dennis reported on fresh ideas for getting out the word about the NMA, and reminded us all that we, the members, are the best recruiters. I'd say we're even better than Navy recruiters; we know what we're talking about and we don't have to lie.
The bottom line: we need new members. This reunion has been tremendously successful. In my opinion, it's been as exciting and rewarding as last year's stellar get-together. Continuing this success will require a steady infusion of new faces with new talents, ideas and sea stories.
We were blessed with a good number of first-time attendees at the reunion this year, and I was glad to hear them share their ideas. It's often difficult to walk into a new organization and feel comfortable expressing your opinion; you don't know if your idea is out of bounds, or whether it's been tried fifty times.
On the other hand, we're all MUs. We've all been the new guy in a band who is bursting at the seams of his crackerjacks with new and old crazy and sensible ideas. Thanks for speaking up, guys.
Sometimes, as speakers drone on, it is necessary to adopt the expression that was once called"Change of Command Face." |
A ten a.m. meeting probably seems cruel and unusual to those who have never been members of a profession whose job description includes the term "Morning Colors." |