Friday, June 19, 2015

FRI, 19JUN15: The Daily Poop

A little bit of serious stuff, but not too much:

It's a go. The flight surgeon says I can fly tomorrow to Virginia Beach for the NMA reunion.

I guess I've been too busy hyping up the reunion to mention a certain fly that's been swimming in the ointment for the last week.

In short, I woke up one morning last week with the vision in my right eye clouding over. "Tired eyes," I tried to tell myself." "Just some dust or something," I lied to myself. Eventually, I got honest. I've had retinal problems before and know what it means when your vision is like looking through a Jeep's windshield that's being splattered with mud and the wipers can't keep up.

I wound up in the doctor's office being told my retina was torn and had to be lasered that afternoon. If you want to know what it's like to have lasers shot at your retina; come to the reunion--and don't ask unless you really, really want to know.

More comprehensive surgery will likely be required. That's not what bothered me; I've had retinal surgery before and have been expecting another bout. My main concern, of course, was the reunion; would I be able to fly?

So after Dr. Demento shot searing beams of fire into my eye last week, I asked. "Don't cancel your reservations," the doctor said, the best news I could imagine. "But I'll have to see you again on the day before you fly." Not the best news I could imagine, but, on the other hand, not bad news.

That's why I went back this morning. My vision has not cleared up since the laser attack last week, but that's only to be expected; when you've had blood and retinal scraps floating around inside your eyeball, it take time for the junk to settle down.

"You can start to resume your normal activities," he said.

To me, "normal activities" include eating sunflower seeds, sitting in my recliner drinking coffee and listening to the Chicago Cubs leave men on base. So I asked the vital question: "Does that include getting on airplanes?"

"Yes," he said.

It wasn't until then that I realized how worried I'd been. Sometimes you don't know how heavy the package is until you put it down.

I still have to take it easy somewhat, but the NMA can get along for a few days without me lifting weights and running laps around the hotel.

That's it for serious. Forward, march.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

THURS, 18JUN15: The Daily Poop

Special Narcissism Edition--

I just came back from the beauty parlor. At an NMA reunion, beauty is what I'm after. Haircuts are a dime a dozen, and we'll see plenty of them at the Holiday Inn.

But beauty is a rarer commodity in the MU community, at least in males. So next week you'll have the answer to the question that has for so long been hypothetical: what would a beautiful guy at the reunion look like?

It was my first visit to this salon; I've always been a barbershop traditionalist. But I thought I'd try out the new salon in town. When I arrived for my appointment with Missy, things were backed up, so the job was undertaken by Jessica, the owner.

She's a magician. A sorceress,in fact. What else would you call someone who can alter the future? The reunion is almost a week away and I'm already the best-looking guy there.

Preparing for Basic Course
To descend back to earth only slightly:

Generally, as the reunion approaches I try to get my weight down to MU2 level. I've even shown up at NMA reunions weighing in at MUSN level. This time, I got started late on the annual diet and have only reverted to MU1 weight.

But, combine my MU1 physique with my newly-acquired beauty and, well, if perfection had a name tag, it would say "Mullen.

Preparing for NMA reunion.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

WED, 17JUN15 - The Daily Poop

It's about a quarter to nine in the a.m. here in Illinois and I'm realizing that one week from this moment, the halls of the Eastern Time Zone Virginia Beach Holiday Inn will be echoing with big band music. Or, perhaps, the halls will be echoing with the voices of MUs saying, "Do we have any more music stands?" "Could somebody give me a tuning note?" "Where do I plug this thing in?" "I thought I saw some extra stands next door." "Was that an 'A' or a 'Bb'?" "Where'd you get that coffee?"

Not music, exactly, but music to the ears of those who love getting together


I keep making lists of things I have to accomplish before flying to Virginia Beach on Saturday--go to the bank to get money for the trip, go to the library to ask an employee to finish something I forgot to do, tape together the pages to a concert band score. Sometimes I think of things that aren't on the list, do them, then write them on the list and cross them out so I'll remember I did them. This makes me think of things that have to be done before I can do things that are already on the list--while at the library talking to an employee, pick up my paycheck and be sure I do this before I go to the bank to get money for the trip so there will be, in fact, money for the trip.

Gotta go--got a lot to do, and every time I cross something off my list, well...

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

TUES, 16JUN15: The Daily Poop

Every year as the NMA reunion gets close, I re-experience the feeling that always preceded going on long-anticipated leave. I get antsy.

I'm a librarian and, due to special events and scheduling issues, I've been putting in a lot of extra time during the last few weeks. Fortunately, this winter when I scheduled my time off for the reunion, I also cleared the decks for the preceding week.

In other words, yesterday was my last day at the library until the reunion is over. I was on edge all day, but still managed to provide library patrons with the excellent customer service and impeccable  research advice for which I am justly noted. Now I have time to concentrate on harassing my shipmates and dishing the dirt, the important things that go into preparing for a reunion.

Which looks to be a big one. NMA president Terry Chesson tells me we've filled our original allotment of hotel rooms and added a few more. It is unsure how many rooms may be left, so, shipmates:
  • The time to hesitate is through.
  • No time to wallow in the mire. 
  • Come on Baby, Light My Fire.

Heard from a few old friends:

Sheldon Levy offers a cryptic warning that someone close to him is upset about oboe jokes that recently appeared in Leger Lines. I refer the Levy family to yesterday's Poop, in which I suggested what people might do with their complaints.

Also heard from Bob "Boomer" Grindle, who always makes sense in his own way. He's coming to the reunion and promises not to tell incomprehensible jokes or run abound the hotel nude. Fortunately, Boomer has always been a man of his word.

Monday, June 15, 2015

MON, 15JUN15: The Daily Poop

Only a week and a half until downbeat; so it's time to unleash the Daily Poop, the newsy, slandery heat-seeking heap of dung that precedes the reunion of the Navy Musicians Association.

Maybe it's just me, but this last week before an NMA reunion is an anticipatory challenge. I'm half-focused on seeing old and new friends while frantically preparing for the trip and wrapping up things at work (yes, I work. This may come as a surprise to old shipmates who may never have seen me engage in the activity.)

Into the busy mix, I throw the Daily Poop. This morning crap-fest will appear every morning here at NavyLyres. It's a compendium of reunion news, views and scuttlebutt as well as a dumping ground for self-absorbed chronicles of my personal doings. Mostly the latter,

The reunion officially begins on Wed., 24JUN, but, as usual, I'll arrive in Virginia Beach on the preceding weekend--the calm before the storm, doncha know. I enjoy being around as early birds arrive and preparations begin. A day or so before 24th, the Daily Poop will mutate into LiveBlog2015, constant reportage featuring photos, videos and blather.
Recent reunions have attracted newcomers who have woven themselves into the fabric of our reunions. Because this is our 20th anniversary, we can expect MUs who haven't attended in a while. Hopefully, members from our earliest ears will show.

Add to these the hordes of NMA regulars--like me--who have made our reunions a standard part of their lives and I'd say this reunion will be a big one.

This is a long way of saying: Be there or be square. Get off the fence. Pack your seabag, pal, the ship's pulling out.

A note to first-time attendees: You probably have questions (Is there a dress code? What do I do when I arrive at the hotel? Can I bring a buddy who's not an MU?). You'll find answers to common questions at the First-timer's Guide.
In short: Got gossip? Let me know. Coming for your first reunion? Check the First-timer's Guide. Got complaints? Go for a walk in the woods.

Hasta la manana, baby.