Sunday, November 18, 2007

Navy Band Newport, 1977-78

Navy Band Newport, 1977-1978
Naval Education and Training Center
Newport, RI

Odds are, I've left your name out. This period of my life is vague. I was only in Newport for a year, much of that time on recruiting tours with the rock band, Long Island Sound.

Bandmaster: Joe Arthur

Assistant Leader: Larry Brown

Other CPOs:
Ed Rodgers, trumpet.
Terry Chesson, saxophone. (Terrence Chesson)
Chief (?) McCoy

Karl Alexander, saxophone, clarinet
Dennis Allard, drums.
Darryl Casoli, trumpet (D.C.)
Lenny Childs, trumpet (Leonard Childs)
Paul Denewitz, bass?
Jo English, administrative petty officer
Wayne Henderson, vocalist (Bone)
Al Hewitt (Guerimo Hewitt)
Dean Hoyt, bass
Rick Holdsworth
John Johnson, drums
Fred Muzer, guitar
Frank Mullen, piano (Frank Mullen III)
Dana Silver, bass
Wilbur Smith (Smitty)
Pete Tassey, trombone
Randy the Soundman

Return to My Bands and Shipmates.

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