Here beats the heart of the American fighting man. This is the shy guy who will give his all and then some, just for the opportunity to serve.
Sure, he's a little rough around the edges, green, in need of some squaring away. But underneath, he's the man you want standing next to you in your unit, in your band.
My goodness, I'll never understand why CRUITCOM turned him down.
Warning: Strong language follows. Viewer discretion is advised for French horn players, flautists and others of delicate sensibility.
What a moron. Maybe he could get a job on a tramp steamer.
"...I'm too Eff'in old to be Rambo!"
I love it!!!
This guy is typical old school navy!
Now all the MUs have a Master Degrees and are prima donnas...they think a rough day is anything over 8 hrs.
Mr. Porkchops is way too hard to be in today's navy full of generation X-box
"...The recruiters promised that their wives will suck your d*ck if you join the Navy..."
Did I go to the wrong recruiting station?
Can't figure this clown, on one hand he doesn't want to carry a rifle and go to one of the hottest sand boxes on the planet and shoot towel heads, and on the other he wants to join the canoe club, be on ships that can destroy a section of earth with one round fired from 20 miles away!! And lose the foul language loser!! I heard enough of that while in the Navy, not so much in the MU rating, but I was a cross rate from the fleet. Try the airlines, I heard they are hiring foul mouth baggage handlers to throw your stuff all over the place . Or let him drag chains all over the deck of a carrier during nighttime flight ops while dealing with a 40 mile an hour headwind. He'll change his tune real quick!!!
A genius the Navy missed out on
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