Friday, June 28, 2013

NMA Reunion SitRep

The concert band rehearsed this morning; veterans of the U.S. Navy Show Band had a lunchtime get-together. Tonight is our concert and buffet.

And this afternoon is the first liberty we've had since getting underway Wednesday morning. Finally, I have time to sit down and tell you what's going on in more than two sentences.

sheet, p. 3

This is our biggest reunion in recent years. We've almost filled up three sign-in sheets, and more folks are expected for the weekend. We've filled all our rooms. We've filled the concert band seats. And, boy, have we filled the lounge. Night after night, Ashley's has been packed with MUs, playing, reminiscing and. well, lying to each other.

The bands are excellent this year. The concert band includes five french horns, bass clarinet and saxophone, enough Bb clarinets to cover all parts and a set of timpani. Dance bands have played morning and night, with exceptional soloists and better cohesiveness than ever. And the jam sessions--wow. Eventually, I'll have time to post a few short video clips. In the meantime, let me just say this: one night I played walking bass behind Marty Nau, Mike Vax and a few others swinging MUs, and I could hardly keep up.

This is a reunion we'll be talking about for a long time. Sea stories, music and magic. We're doing just fine in Virginia Beach, wishing you were here and already talking about next year.

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