Wednesday, June 15, 2022

NMA Reunion--Tuesday, Day One in Review

Yesterday--Day One of the 2022 NMA reunion-- began with the usual mixture of well-planed precision and low-grade chaos. The chaos was minimal because our set-up crew did a fine job of preparing our rehearsal spaces. (The concert band rehearsal room featured real music stands, borrowed from the School of Music. We did not miss our usual Rube Goldberg folding contraptions.) 

Because many members had not yet arrived,  a number of shipmates filled vacant billets. Don Junker played bass in the dance band, trumpeter Don Keller helped fill out the concert band horn section, and I reprised my long-abandoned role of Lord High Bass Drummer Extraordinaire. Not since the 1984 Newport Police Parade had this talent been on display.  

And, yes, Mel Leketa joined the clarinet section. This is true shipmatery.

Day One finished with a jam session in the lounge. The Lord High Bass Drummer now became the Low-rent Bass Player of Minimal Chops. I lasted four tunes. 
Melanie Leketa joined the clarinet section. 
We are grateful, not only for her talent
and willingness, but because the alternative
clarinet draftee was Terry Chesson.

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