Sunday, May 9, 2010

2010 Navy Musicians Association Reunion Schedule

Regular attendees are used to the routine, which changes only slightly from year to year. Newcomers, however, wonder how it all works.

Here's the schedule as it appears in the NMA's newsletter, Leger Lines. A few things to note:

-- The Registration desk may be closed when you arrive. No biggie; join in the fun and sign in when you can.

-- "Combo" means free-wheeling jazz/Dixieland/bebop in the lounge. Rhythm section gear--drums, keyboard, amps--will be permanantly set up. Times given are estimates; whenever the mood strikes and the instrumentation allows, the jamming will happen.

-- Check the gig board for changes. Scheduling changes, updates and snafus can, and will, occur.

-- The Registration desk is open through Friday, to accomodate those who cannot attend the entire reunion. A loose Tuesday schedule is given for those early birds, like me, who like to get a head start on the fun.


Early-bird Tuesday, 22JUN10

1300-1600   Early arrival, check in
1900-?      Combo in lounge (instrumentation 

Wednesday, 23JUN10

0900-1630   Registration desk open
0900-1130   Dance Band rehearsal
1300-1600   Concert Band rehearsal
1800-?      Dance Band rehearsal
            (Combo in lounge after 1300)


0900-1630   Registration desk open
0900-1130   Dance Band rehearsal
1300-1600   Concert Band rehearsal
1800-?      Dance Band rehearsal
            (Combo in lounge after 1300)

Friday, 25JUN10

0900-1630   Registration desk open
0900-1130   Concert Band rehearsal
0900-1500   "Best of San Antonio Tour"
1300-?      Rock Band rehearsal
1400        Set up ballroom for Friday Beer Bash
1830        NMA Bands performance in ballroom
            (Combo in lounge after 1300)

Saturday, 26JUN10

0830-1000   Breakfast in ballroom
1000-1200   NMA General Membership Meeting
1200        Set up bands for Banquet
1300        Rock Band rehearsal
1800        Cocktails
1930-2330   NMA Banquet
            (Combo in lounge after Banquet)

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