Thursday, June 13, 2019

THURS, 13JUN19 - The Daily Poop

Our day-earlier-than-usual reunion this year means I won't be the only member arriving on Sunday. Kim and Deb Holl, key players in reunion preparation, plan a Sunday arrival. I have great respect for the Holls. Kim sponsored me during CPO initiation and pinned on my anchors. Deb could pin me to the deck if I get out of line.

Sunday arrivals a few years ago:
Me, Bill Sterck, Wilbur Smith, David Blakeley.
Wilbur Smith also arrives on Sunday, to organize band music, work on concert preparation and, I would assume, sample the sort of beverage that made Milwaukee famous. Smitty was one of the many MUs with whom I crossed paths now and then but never served with. How common it was to sort of know someone in our small program.

David Blakeley also arrives on Sunday. I never served with David, but have come to know and respect him through the NMA.

Altogether, three tours with Kim: once in Yokosuka and twice at the School of Music. Two brief overlaps with Wilbur: first in Newport and later, at the School. Zero tours with David, who I know only through the NMA.

Yet, they're all shipmates I look forward to seeing every year. That's how the NMA works.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to it. I should be there Tuesday evening to pay my first ever NMA dues.

John Sorensen