Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Daily Poop - 15JUN13

I get the feeling this year's NMA reunion is gonna be a big one.

Virginia Beach reunions are generally well-attended. A lot of MUs live within a day's drive. The hotel knows us, we know them, so things go smoothly. In a sense, it's our home port.

For the last few months, lots of new members have been joining and former members rejoining--click here to see their names. Some are my old shipmates George Thompson and Charlie Sweet. Some I haven't met yet. I hope to see them all in a few weeks.

Yeah, it all adds up to a big reunion.

I fly to Virginia Beach--holy metal detector, Batman--a week from today. The last year dragged by--have you ever lived in rural Illinois?--and I thought the reunion would never come. Now I'm a week from leaving and I'm a month behind in all I have to get done before I go.

I may actually check in a bag when I fly. I generally stick to carry-on luggage, which means I'm strapped up with cameras attached to my waist, computers over my shoulder and toothpaste in my jacket pocket. Going through security, I always expect to be asked to step over to the terrorist line. The Wife of the Year is giving me the go-ahead to spend a few extra dollars.

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