Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Daily Poop - Sun, 22JUN08

  • -- Guitar, Electric, 1 each.
    -- Amplifier, portable, 1 each.
    -- Gigbag (Cords, picks, etc.), 1 each.
I'm packing the car today, because I'll be leaving for Memphis tomorrow morning at zero dark thirty.
  • -- NMA shirts, polo, two pair.
    -- NMA shirt, tee, 1 each.
    -- Trousers, presentable, 4 pair.
The Mississippi River and it's tributaries are still flooding some roads, so my wife and I may have to alter our route as we drive.
  • -- Road atlas, Rand McNally, 1 each.
    -- Weather radio, portable, 1 each.

This site has had about 200 visits in this last week. Many MUs who can't attend the reunion this year have told me they'll get the highlights here at Navy Lyres.

  • -- computer, laptop, 1 each.
    -- Camera, digital, 1 each.
I talked to NMA President Terry Chesson yesterday. He's preparing the agenda for the NMA board of directors' meeting at the reunion, so I didn't take too much of his time. We rehashed a bachelor party that took place in Newport in 1977. It was--well, you had to be there.
  • -- Sea stories, 20,000.

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