Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Daily Poop - Sat, 20JUN09

Last night I started getting clothes ready for the NMA reunion. While digging around in a rarely-used basement closet, I came across my CPO khakis. I'd forgotten I kept them after I left the Navy.

I wondered if I'd dare try them on. I still wear my peacoat once in a while, but those bulky things hide a lot of sins. The khakis, I knew, would camouflage nothing--they were "tailored to the sailor."

The experience of trying on your old uniform has been compared to attempting to squeeze a 16-oz. salami into an 8-oz. casing. How much did I want to degrade myself?

What the hell, I finally said. I pulled the khakis out of the closet, made a wish and put them on for the first time in a quarter of a century.

Well, shipmates, all I have to say is:

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