Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The calm before the storm.

I'm sure I've used this blog title before. In fact, I've probably used it on the Tuesday morning before every NMA reunion since 2007.

I'm not talking about the weather. Despite forecasts, the weather is mild, the humidity low, not what you'd normally expect from Norfolk in summer.

I'm talking about the reunion climate. It is, indeed, still fairly quiet about the Holiday Inn. This is to be expected, as the event officially begins tomorrow. People have been drifting in for days now. A bunch of us went out to dinner last night, some for seafood, others for a marvelous Neapolitan dinner.

 But today, you can feel the excitement building beneath the calm. I just had a poolside chat with President Terry Chesson. After a relaxing rehash of great times of the past, he organized his paperwork in preparation for a final pre-reunion conference with the executive vice-president, vice-president and treasurer.

"Well," he said as he left, "this was probably the last quiet moment before the party gets going." 

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