Saturday, June 24, 2017

Getting ready for business

This morning, members of the NMA will gather in the ballroom for our annual all-hands business meeting. Our board of directors will bring members up to date on plans and directions and members will have the opportunity to present comments and questions.

And we'll hold the election of officers. The NMA may sometimes resemble a pleasure cruise, but someone needs to steer this ship.

Later today I'll report on the proceedings, particularly on the one thing that everyone wants to know: where will we hold our next reunion?.

In preparation for our the meeting, Legal Adviser Bill Sterk (r) is helping President Terry Chesson (l) brush up on the fine points of parliamentary procedure.
"If a motion has been offered and seconded and subsequent
discussion proves that the maker of the motion wishes to
withdraw the motion, he or she, the maker of the motion,
may move that the motion be withdrawn, but such
withdrawal shall be effective only if the motion to
withdraw is seconded, discussed and passes with
a majority of votes."

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