Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The Tuesday Morning Shuffle

The trickle of arrivals has become a gentle stream and will today become a minor torrent, if there is such a thing. The day before a reunion is a great time to catch up with old friends. Because the hotel isn't yet jammed with members and guests, you can actually finish an occasional sentence.

I've noted over the years that wherever we hold our reunions, many members who live in the area often take rooms at the hotel during the reunion. The travel-time saved allows fuller participation in the festivities. Nothing is more frustrating than saying to a group of MUs in the lounge, "Did I ever tell you about the time in Naples when--" and being interrupted with the words, "Honey, we have to go; Rex will crap on the floor if he doesn't get a walk by midnight."

Leon Harris and Jim Richards
Stephanie Rowland and Terry Chesson
flank the NMA's secret weapon:
The Debs.

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